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The only Private email integrated with a Password Manager

Amplify Your Email Experience with Maily and Embrace Total Privacy

Maily Locker image banner

What is Maily

A privacy-first email solution that provides an email alias to hide the original email address when using the internet. Maily was born from the Locker team, which created Locker Password Manager.

👉 Find more information about Locker here.

Maily Locker what is maily locker

How Maily works

A Comprehensive Guide to Optimal Email Management

Create an account

Sign up at this link

Generate your email alias

Create your email alias with a click. Maily will create an alias with a subdomain of, and your registered email address will be automatically recognized as the primary email.

Use your alias

Use your alias to sign up for online services and promotions. Get the confirmation email forwarded to your real mailbox. Turn the alias off anytime later.

Receive and send emails safely

Receive and reply to forwarded emails from the primary address. The reply email will be sent from your alias, and the recipient will know nothing of your real email.

How Maily works

Have peace of mind everywhere you go

Sign up for any service without worrying about identity leak


Want to register a new online service but worried about the reliability of that brand?


Want to get a promo code but worried about spam all over your inbox?

Social Networks

Tired of getting notifications when using social media?


Want to join a game in anonymous mode? Tired of receiving marketing emails from gaming companies?

👉 Use Maily, then. Receive and send emails from the alias until you fully trust the recipient.

👉 Don’t let the deals slip away! Use the email alias to sign up and turn it off after redeeming the code.

👉 Use Maily to sign up and protect your online identity.

👉 Maily may help. With an email alias, you can stay totally anonymous in the game.

Tailored to enhance your privacy

Maily protects your true email, as well as your online identity

Tailored to enhance your privacy
Stay anonymous

With email aliases, you can receive and reply to emails anonymously. Your true email inbox stays hidden.

Tailored to enhance your privacy
Organize your email inbox

Manage all emails for different aliases in your primary mailbox. Simply deactivate an alias to stop receiving any further emails from that address.

Tailored to enhance your privacy
Stop spam emails

Block messages by address or domain to keep promotional emails and spam out of your inbox.

Tailored to enhance your privacy
Create your own subdomain

Set up your custom subdomain as [email protected] for a bunch of perks. Customization, brand reputation, effective communication, and more!

Tailored to enhance your privacy
Use your aliases everywhere

Create, use and manage your aliases anywhere you want, from our website, browser extensions, or right on your phone with our apps.

Maily for Developers with Powerful APIs

Simple yet robust APIs for improved efficiency and personalization.

Save time with unified Maily functionality: to create email masks, allows you to send/reply to emails via your alias rather than just receiving forwarded emails.

Example Request

curl --location --request POST '' \

--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{ api_key }}' \

Example Response

 "id": 6,
 "address": "example",
 "enabled": true,
 "block_spam": false,
 "description": "",
 "created_time": 1663832455,
 "updated_time": null,
 "num_forwarded": 0,
 "num_blocked": 0,
 "num_replied": 0,
 "num_spam": 0,
 "domain": "",
 "subdomain": null,
 "full_address": "[email protected]"

Your All-in-One Solution for Private Email

Supercharge Your Digital Experience for Optimal Protection and Seamless Productivity

What is Locker Password Manager?

Locker is a password manager that goes beyond the mere concept of password management. Locker stores your sensitive data, logs you in to your favorite sites, scans for data breaches, and more. Every feature in Locker is built on the foundation of privacy and transparency to ensure the highest security for users.

Your All-in-One Solution for Private Email
Your All-in-One Solution for Private Email

The combination of Maily & Locker Password Manager

In addition to realizing that the demand of our users who need to use Password Manager and Private email at the same time increases a lot, Locker and Maily are both products in CyStack's ecosystem, we decided to create a 2-in-1 combination, which helps you save costs and reduce the number of applications used.